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Baseball Hitter's Top 10 Checklist
1.) Think and assess the situation BEFORE entering the Batter’s box.
2.) Relax and deep breaths (oxygen to the brain and muscles) as you dig
3.) Never speak or exchange words with the catcher. Dismiss him in your
4.) Soft focus on the pitcher’s hat until the baseball appears in release
window… switch!
5.) Your approach should be “YES, YES, YES” on every pitch, be prepared to
hit every pitch! Let your eyes and body tell you “NO”.
6.) Treat every first pitch like a 2-0. Expect fastball down the middle
and attack it!
7.) After each pitch… deep breaths…be ready to throw your hands at the
ball… back to soft focus.
8.) No matter the count.. ALWAYS expect fastball. ADJUST to off-speed.
9.) Move up in the box in a “bunt” situation. Back in the box for “hit and
A Level Swing Isn't Swinging the Bat Level with the
Article courtesy of Jon Hoelter at goodswing.com
There is a lot of controversy concerning the angle of the bat when hitting
a pitched ball. Based on watching film of great hitters and what has
proved successful for the kids I work with (and in line with Ted Williams'
approach to hitting), a level swing is not swinging the bat level with the
ground. A level swing also only refers to the path of the bat head through
the hitting zone, not the initial part of the swing involving the hands
coming down to the ball or the follow through after contact.
A level swing involves swinging the bat level with the path of the pitch.
This is a slightly upward swing (the degree to which depends on the
pitcher). This increases the likelihood of hitting the ball squarely, even
if contact is a little too late or too early. When hitting down on the
ball (which is popular among many coaches), the hardest hit balls will be
grounders. Lines drives will flutter and only occur when slightly
undercutting the ball. Weak line drives are also produced by big uppercuts
and the only hard hit balls will be high fly balls (which are easier to
catch than low fly balls).
Correcting for uppercuts and undercuts begins with the position of the
hands when the stride foot is planted (launch position). Aside from the
hands being over the rear foot at this point, their height is also
important. Uppercutting (more than what is required by the path of the
pitch) often occurs because the hands start too low ñ often by the ribs.
Undercutters generally start their hands too high, somewhere above their
shoulder. Ideally, the hands should be close to shoulder height. From the
rear shoulder, the hands should bring the bat head down into the hitting
zone and then up at the ball. When the bat head flies forward, it should
go through the contact area level with the path of the ball.
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Be a Better Hitter
The speed of the bat is twice as important as the weight
of the bat. A player must be able to generate a high bat speed in order to
be an effective hitter. The following articles address development of bat
speed as well as control of the bat. They should help you be a better
Much has been said about Bat Speed and how to develop it.
Although it is obvious that the size and strength of the individual
swinging the bat has a direct impact on the swing speed, there are certain
mechanical factors involved that also have a significant impact. Given two
individuals of the same size and strength, it is entirely possible to have
two vastly different bat speeds registered simply as a result of how the
bats were swung. Even if both participants are swinging as hard as
That being said, let's turn our attention to the sequence of photos
involving the legendary Henry Aaron. In the photos to the left, it appears
that Henry hits a tremendous homerun to left field on an inside pitch. On
the right, he hits a tremendous blast to right field on a pitch to the
middle portion of the plate. Although the camera angles are minutely
different, it does not appear that Henry changes much at all in the two
swings. In fact, to the untrained eye, there seems to be no change in the
upper body action. If you look closely however, you will see something
remarkable…. Bat Speed and how to get it!!
In the frames to the left the bat traveled farther, yet arrived in the
impact zone before the bat in the frames to the right. How did he do that?
I'll tell you… he uncoiled the spring!!
Coiling and Uncoiling creates Bat Speed. Certainly there are other
components, but this is the key ingredient. Just as there are different
components to an omelette and eggs over easy, the key ingredient is still
eggs. Coiling and Uncoiling is the key ingredient in the recipe for Bat
Let's analyze the upper body in each frame, we will take an up-close look
at the lower body action later in the article. First, you can see that
there is no difference in the preparation of the upper body in either
side. During the coiling, or loading phase (frames 1-6), there is
absolutely nothing different about the two swings. Although it is clear
that Henry was fully aware of the location of each pitch (inside in frames
to the left, middle in frames to the right) by the 3rd frame, he made no
alterations in his upper body preparation to compensate for pitch
location. Think about that. He knew where the pitch would be and changed
nothing in the loading of the bat… nothing. I am willing to bet that if we
watched video of Henry in 100 at-bats, we would see exactly the same
preparation in each at-bat! He coiled the spring exactly the same each
time. This from a man that hit more homeruns than any player in history.
He also starts the swing exactly the same (frame 6). It is only in frame 7
that we see a noticeable difference in the action of the upper body. The
difference is in the rotation of the shoulders and the action of the right
elbow. Notice the right elbow in frame 7 of each sequence. On the swing to
the left, the elbow is tucking in. This does not happen until frame 8 in
the swing to the right. That movement is directly related to the uncoiling
action. In order to hit the pitch on the left, Henry was required to
uncoil fractions sooner to create enough torque to propel the bat head
into the impact area. You can see that, in frame 9 of each swing, the head
of the bat is in nearly the identical location and position. But, by frame
10 the bat on the left has traveled significantly farther! You can really
see this in frame 11. How did he do that? Uncoiling. He created
acceleration in the bat head by accentuating the shoulder and hip turn.
The combination of those moving parts, the forces he created by tucking
the elbow close to the body and allowing the weight of the bat head to
rotate around the center point, created bat speed. The quickness with
which he rotated his shoulders and hips in frame 7 started those forces in
motion. But, believe it or not, he set all of these forces up in frames
3-6 with his lower body!
Remember that Henry knew where the pitch was going to be by frame 3 in
each sequence. This early pitch recognition is paramount to a hitter's
timing (the key ingredient to successful hitting). Henry prepared himself
identically with the upper body. However, in frame 3, Henry realizes that
he will have to position himself differently to create the proper angle of
attack for each individual pitch. He does this by simply placing his foot
in two different locations in the batter's box. Lower body adjustment!
This simple move allows for the proper angles and forces to be implemented
when he uncoils on the pitch. The lower body preparation in frames 3-6
make all the difference in the bat speed Henry creates.
By placing his front foot slightly to the left, Henry allowed his hips
room to rotate. Had he stepped in the same location as in the picture to
the right, the angles and forces would not have been possible to achieve.
He would probably have been jammed on the inside portion of the handle
because the bat speed would not have been great enough to beat the ball to
the impact zone. He could not have uncoiled quickly enough. He could not
have created the angle.
Look at frame 10 very closely. This is the point of impact in each
sequence. Do not look at the shoulders or the front foot location.
Instead, study the angle created between his front foot and the ball at
impact. They are nearly identical! This is the angle Henry "saw" when he
recognized the pitch in frame 3. He began positioning his body to reach
this angle at the point of impact. It is at this angle that the forces
generated in the uncoiling are at their greatest, i.e.; Bat Speed!
We don't need to discuss the incredible hand-eye coordination of the
greatest homerun hitter, he had bundles of it, but every player has the
ability to create the proper angles. This is the goal of the mechanics in
a swing.
Now, to the mechanics of the coiling and uncoiling, the heart of bat speed
development; in frames 1-6 in each sequence the upper body is going back
toward the catcher. It finally starts forward in frame 7. The lower body
begins its forward rotation in frame 5! But, it begins its forward motion
as early as frame 2! In frames 2-5 the lower body is moving forward and
the upper body is moving back (A key element to mention here is that the
weight never, at any point in either sequence, gets outside of Henry's
rear leg. The weight is always on the inside, creating tension for the
coiling and uncoiling). These opposite forces are creating energy, which
is further enhanced by the lower body rotation in frames 5-6. This is all
the coiling phase, even though the lower body is beginning to unwind as
the front heel hits the ground in frame 5. The upper body is still
"staying back" (you've heard that before), creating even more tension,
ready to uncoil in frame 7. The body parts moving in opposite directions
are the keys to creating bat speed. Now, each person's anatomy is
different and many factors come into play in regards to how far one person
can coil in relation to another. But the coiling and uncoiling are at the
heart of creating bat speed. Other factors have an affect as well, such as
the same forces taking place in the hand action, strength of the hands and
forearms, fast-twitch muscle fibers, etc. The key ingredient though (the
eggs in the recipe) is the ability to coil properly.
The neat thing about this move is that it can be instilled in muscle
memory without ever stepping foot on a baseball field. You can learn it
right in your bedroom with a simple drill. By repeating the drill over and
over in front of a mirror, you can learn the coiling action needed to
create great bat speed.
So, what have we learned from this article?
1. The upper body action does not change, regardless of pitch location,
during the coiling phase.
2. That the lower body makes the adjustments regarding pitch location.
3. That the coiling is the movement in opposite directions of the two body
4. That there is an optimum angle of impact to redeem the full power of
the uncoiling effect.
5. That the rear elbow plays a key part in imparting the correct forces on
the bat head.
6. That Henry Aaron did not squish the bug!! That's another story!
I hope this helps you to Be A Better Hitter! |
Dropping The Rear
Shoulder: A Common
Hitting Error
According to Jerry Kindall, coach of the U. of Arizona baseball team,
dropping the rear shoulder at the start of the swing is one of the three
most common batting errors.
This mistake results in poor visual contact with the ball-especially
during the final, critical 20 feet to the plate. It also produces a weak,
upward swing path.
Why? Because dropping the back shoulder causes the front shoulder to move
upwards and away from the pitch. It also lifts the head, producing a loss
of focus on the ball. Finally, the back elbow drops with the shoulder,
resulting in a weak, pushing, upward swing path.
How to Correct
If your batters are having this problem, instruct them to lift their back
elbow a little higher while waiting for the pitch. And tell them to keep
their front shoulder pointed towards the incoming ball as long as possible
before starting their swing.
These corrections will help them to keep their shoulders level and their
head motionless for better eye-focus on the ball.
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LinkAthletics.com - Baseball - Directory
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